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Welcome to My Theory Of Everything (.com & .org)
This is a site for Theoretical Nuclear AstroPhysics & Quantum Cosmology. I have posted my point of view with respect to a possible basis for a TOE. I will also post TOE related theories from public input regarding emergent concepts related to completing our understanding of the Universe.
A TOE will contain more than merely conceptual models. Self consistent conceptual models are a necessary (albeit insufficient) condition for a satisfactory TOE model. They require a mathematical linkage to, or replacement of, Standard Model Physics. (e.g. Super String or M Theory)
This should include a (possibly Super Symmetric) Grand Unified Theory (GUT) or at least a rationalization of charge: the (Special) Relativistic Quantum ElectroDynamics (QED) and Quantum ChromoDynamics (QCD) of the ElectroMagnetic-Weak (ElectroWeak) and Strong Forces respectively).
Completion of the TOE should rationalize a GUT with mass or (possibly Quantum) Gravity (i.e. General Relativity's (GR) Gravitational Force).
They must also have a basis in the scientific method - implying the ability to predict experimentally verifiable phenomena (e.g. a simple and accurate prescription for particle masses).
It will NOT contain Meta Physics or Pseudo Science. If you are unsure before you eMail content, check your Crackpot Index .
The Context & Framework for thinking about the Universe, Cosmology, Life, Mankind, and Cognition should not be mistaken as part of a TOE. The philosophies, musings, and motivations of the scientist should not be confused with science. They sometimes provide a (sometimes even mathematical) method to help simplify the understanding of the inner complexities of the Math and Physics of the TOE.
An E8 Pic on wikipediaFind more information related to TOE's from Academia
Please send your comments to J. Gregory Moxness
This document was updated 09/23/2004
Background Picture Information:
STScI-PRC-00-08January 24, 2000
Hubble Opens its Eye on the Universe and Captures a Cosmic Magnifying Glass