In several papers on BKS proofs, Arthur Ruuge’s “Exceptional and Non-Crystallograpic Root Systems and the Kochen-Specker Theorem” and Mordecai Waegell & P.K. Aravind’s “Parity proofs of the Kochen-Specker theorem based on the Lie algebra E8”, in addition to E8, E6 and E7 is studied. Using the visualization developed for my recent paper and prior papers, I present here the related visualizations for E6 and E7 as discussed in those papers.
The 72 E6 vertices derived from E8 and projected to 3D using the “E8->H4” basis vectors. The 15*72=1080 edges are shown in the upper left, the 36 anti-podal rays are shown in the upper right along with the hull group vertex counts and norm distance. The bottom image shows the 4 hulls – yellow Icosahedron (12), cyan dodecahedron (20) and the orange/pink pentagonal prisms (40)).The 126 E7 vertices derived from E8 and projected to 3D using the “E8->H4” basis vectors. The 16*126=2016 edges are shown in the upper left, the 63 anti-podal rays are shown in the upper right along with the hull group vertex counts and norm distance. The bottom image shows the 4 hulls – orange 2 overlapping Icosahedrons (24), pink2 overlapping dodecahedron (40), and cyan & gray icosidodecahedrons(60) with 2 vertices at the origin.