The same 3 (projection basis vectors that produce the H3 Icosadodecahedron from D6 and the Rhombic Triacontahedron from the 6-Cube (or 2 sets from the 128 1/2 Integer BC8 vertices of E8) form lower dimensional objects within E8.
For more information on the above symmetries, see this post.
The 3D object identification has been confirmed by …
32 vertex 5-Cube with 80 5D Norm’d Unit Length Edges
Projection Basis Vectors {x,y,z}:
3D Rhombic 20-Hedron Outer Hull of 22 Vertices
The edge coloring on these projections are defined by which of the 6 dimensional axis the edge aligns with.
10 Interrior Vertices with 10 Edges
All Vertices in 3D
16 vertex 4-Cube with 32 4D Norm’d Unit Length Edges
Projection Basis Vectors {x,y,z}:
3D Rhombic Dodecahedron with 2 Interior Vertices
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