While the 3D model I used to create the 2D Van Oss projection isomorphic to E8 Petrie (and a beautiful pentagonal view), it was not the same as what was being used by Richter in his 3D “pre-Van-Oss” construction. Given my H (or x) and V (or y), the 3rd basis vector for this projections is most likely:
Z={0, -0.0801064, 0, 0.236818, 0, 0.0801064, 0, -0.236818}
which reproduces the Richter, Bathsheba and Wizzy’s 3D models. Interestingly, it produces one face (shown above) that is the same as all the orthonormal faces of 2 concentric 600 Cells (at the Golden Ratio). The 3rd unique face is:
I replaced the 3D spin movie of this on my main page with this new projection.