Tag Archives: Physics

Update: Quaternions, Octonions, Time, Particle Mass/Charge and Reality

I am improving and tightening the octonion to E8 to particle symmetry assignments which should inform the particle mass/charge assignment (prediction).

Keep looking at the .CDF .NB or interactive pages – it is always up to date.

I am thinking about how the quaternion trialities within the non-associative algebra of octonions relate to time (and differentiate particles). So it is less about E8 and more about how octonions (linked to E8) affect our 4D reality.

Neutrinos and electrons are the same particle separated by a yaw spin!

A long and technical post to document a New Years Day (early morning) 2013 discovery!

The 2:1 cover of the 480 octonion permutations over the 240 vertices in E8 provides for a potential approach to resolve the issue of fitting the Standard Model (SM) into the beautifully symmetric structure of E8. This post (to be followed by a paper) describes the basics of that approach. For reference, see this Mathematica visualization demonstration tool for what follows (http://theoryofeverything.org/TOE/JGM/ToE_Demonstration.cdf).

But first, a bit about E8 and particle assignments:
Each vertex in E8 has been mapped (by AG Lisi with minor modifications in assignment) to a fundamental particle in an extended SM. This mapping is controlled in the above referenced demonstration by 8 bitwise quantum parameters which index the 256=240+16 “excluded” particles.
These 8 bits are:
(a)nti – which inverts the binary and negates the E8 vertex and gives the anti-particle of each particle
(p)Type – which differentiates the Neutrinos from electrons (and up quarks from down quarks, etc.)
2 (s)pin – up/down (or x-y or pitch rotation) and left-right (or y-z or roll rotation) spin
2 (c)olor – white (no color) and red-green-blue (e.g. the quark colors)
2 (g)eneration – 0 (no generation for bosons) and 1,2,3 for fermions

A bit about octonions:
The 480 octonion permutations are generated with a list of 30 sets of triples (3 numbers from 1-7 with no two triples with two numbers in common). These can be visualized as a Fano plane. The Fano plane is easily constructed by taking the first 3 (of 7) triads and deleting the 4th and 7th (of the 9) numbers. This gives a “flattened” list of numbers (1-7) in some permutation order. While there are 7!=5040 possible, only 480 create proper octonions. But how to pair up the 480 to mesh with E8?

There are 16 possible +/- sign reversal (or sign mask (sm) bits also shown as hex number) permutations available in each of the 30 Fano planes (30*16=480). These sm bits also “invert” like the “anti” bits in E8 (which sorts it into a top half/bottom half canonical list built using the 9th row of the Pascal triangle and Clifford algebras). So the 16 sm possibilities split into two sets of 8. This changes the direction of the Fano plane arrows. It turns out with some skillfull pattern matching in constructing the sign masks, the 8 sm bits pair up into two sets of four {1,4,6,7} and {2,3,5,8} giving a kind of “spin” match to E8. These pairs of 4 also operate as a left-right symmetry pattern seen in the structure of E8.

So far so good with 3 bits clearly paired between octonions and E8. The E8 excluded vertices (assigned 0 color and 0 generation bits – bosons) should also be excluded in the octonions. This would indicate the color and generation E8 bits would be indicated by those bits in octonions as well. But how? One hint is the generation 0 boson vs. fermion split of E8. These split E8 into a C8 group of 128 1/2 integer vertices and the 112 D8 integer vertices.

The first discovery several months ago:
In building the visualization for Fano planes, I noticed a pairing was required in order to algorithmically construct the Fano plane for each permutation of octonions. That pairing was aligned with the need to “flip” sequential pairs of numbers in one of the first three triads (the ones that create the flattened list). It also turns out that these pair into 15=7+8 pairs that correlate to the E8(240)=D8(112)+C8(128) groups of vertices.

The 7/8 (or D8/C8) split also provided the indicator on where to assign the “excluded” permutations (they get the 0 color and 0 generation assignment referenced above). It becomes trivial to apply a naive sequential assignment of 30 into two sets of 7/8 into the generation and color bits.

To reach the doubling of the 512=480+32 “excluded” octonion permutations, I added what I call a 9th “flip” bit parameter. This correlates well with A Zee’s approach to grand unification using a 9D SO(18) group theory. It turns out that the pattern required for flipping works in unison with the a and p bits in a binary logic relationship. As the demonstration clearly shows, the p bit flips the two sets of four sm bits. (Hint: this is the key to the eureka moment). Also note: Charge-Parity-Time (CPT) conservation law (symmetry) considerations also strongly link the a, p, and spin bits.

The binary logic relationship with the “flip” bit and the sm bits clearly create two 4 bit quaternion sets (anti+3 spin bit quaternion and a generation+color quaternion). While this double set of quaternions was already obvious to me from the E8 construction (noted in http://theoryofeverything.org/TOE/JGM/DynkinParticleReductions.cdf), it was good to confirm it with octonion integration! It seems that this pair of quaternions could be visualized as Hopf Fibrations on 7-manifolds (see http://www.nilesjohnson.net/seven-manifolds.html for an excellent review of this).

It correlates well with my previous post for the relating of time to octonions, charge to quaternions and 3-space to complex (imaginary) numbers. This idea also validates the dimensional considerations that started me down this path 15 years ago (documented in http://theoryofeverything.org/TOE/JGM/ToE.pdf).

Last night’s eureka moment:
Viewing the p bit as a kind of in/out (or z-x or yaw rotation), it becomes clear that the thing that differentiates electrons from neutrinos (pType) is a third intrinsic spin type. This rotation is well known in 6 degree of freedom (6DoF) models, but is typically ignored due to it not being “required” for 3D rotations.

What this implies is that both the charge and mass differences in these particles can be assigned to the third intrinsic spin (rotation) type. It should be deeply related to the long known Higgs SM mechanism and its recently discovered Higgs particle near my predicted mass of 124.443…GeV. It should also help resolve the Distler and Garibaldi argument with Lisi related to incorporating the 2nd and 3rd generation of fermions into E8.


  • Time is Octonion (1+I7D)
  • Charge is Quaternion (1+I3D)
  • Space is Complex- Real and Imaginary (1+I1D)*3
  • (Higgs) Mass is Space/Real Time=Sqrt(Sqrt(2)hBar*l)=124.443…GeV
  • 11D M-Theory collapses to Space+Time=4D+I7D

More detail to follow if you’re interested or have trouble dividing Sedenions 😉

E8 to 4D (3D+T)

E8 8D to 4D (3D+T) Animation

Shown in this animation are the 240 vertices of E8 with shape, size, and color assigned based on theoretical physics of an extended Standard Model (eSM). It is made up of three sets of 120 frames, each with a different algorithm for calculating perspective and orthogonal, rotational and translational 8D flight paths. It is interesting to note that it is the 8D camera that is moving through 8D space and the vertices remain in their same 8D position.

The 30 blue triangles represent E8 triality relationships using an 8D rotation matrix based on 2Pi/3 (or 120 degrees). Each vertex in a blue triangle is transformed into an adjacent one by the dot product with the matrix. A second transformation transforms it to the next, while the third recovers the original vertex.

The 28 red and green triangles are created from a subset of the 6720 (shortest) edges of 8D norm’d length Sqrt(2). These are filtered to represent the particle sums (linked by a red line) for a common (clicked) vertex (linked by 2 green lines). It is interesting to note that all sums for a given vertex are only found in adjacent vertices.

Higher definition (2 sets 60 frames each):

Higgs Mass Prediction of 124.443 GeV (a public retrodiction)

As shown in a previous post here and here, I introduced a prediction of a new 148 GeV particle that seemed to be evidenced by FermiLab’s CDF experiment. Unfortunately, the D0 experiment failed to confirm it. Initially I hesitated to make a public retrodiction (or post-diction) about the latest LHC findings of the Higgs at 124 Gev (until better confirmation).

I would like to make public some earlier work that produced eq. 18 148 GeV Higgs mass prediction. The issue is around the inclusion of the factor of 2 before the Planck constant. Initially, I anticipated that no factor would be needed, but that put the particle mass at ~98 GeV, below the exclusion range from LEP. I had entertained the idea of using an Sqrt(2) term putting it at ~124 GeV, but due to aesthetic considerations I opted for using a factor of 2. Please see the modified calculation highlighted below.

Interestingly, it seems the LHC has found that my earlier (albeit superceded) choice may have been the right one! But, time will tell…

Retrodiction of LHC evidence for a Higgs at 124 GeV

Ho-Mg-Zn QuasiCrystal Electron Diffraction with E8 5Cube Projection

Ho-Mg-Zn QuasiCrystal Electron Diffraction from E8 5Cube Projection

This is an image of the electron diffraction pattern of an icosahedral Zn-Mg-Ho quasicrystal with an overlay of a 5-Cube projection from the 240 vertices of the split real even E8 Lie Group.

The basis vectors for the E8 projection are shown (1:1 with the ring of gray vertices with the last 3 of 8 dimensions 0).

There are 2480 overlapping edge lines from the 240 E8 vertices. They have norm’d unit length calculated from the 5 non-zero projected dimensions of E8. Of these, 32 inner vertices and 80 edges belong to the 5D 5-Cube (Penteract) proper. Edges are shown with colors assigned based on origin vertex distance from the outer perimeter.

The vertex colors of the 5-Cube projection represent E8 vertex overlaps. These are:
InView vertices={color{overlap,count},…}Total
All vertices={color{overlap,count},…}Total

A related projection of a 6D 6-Cube (Hexeract) into a perspective 3D object using the Golden Ratio [Phi]. This particular projection is used to understand the structure of QuasiCrystals. The specific basis vectors are:
x = {1, [Phi], 0, -1, [Phi], 0}
y = {[Phi], 0, 1, [Phi], 0, -1}
z = {0, 1, [Phi], 0, -1, [Phi]}
There are 64 vertices and 192 unit length edges forming pentagonal symmetry along specific axis (as well as hexagonal symmetries on other axis).

Hexeract orthographically projected to 3D using Golden Ratio